Jiffy Lube – Overcoming Adversity
This is a letter to absolutely try and show my appreciation for the wonder gift that was given to me by Wendy. The amount of time and love she puts into her craft is amazing and really unbelievable. When I was given such a wonderful gift, with so much detail, so much love, so much care, it truly made it into a life-changing gift. The way it was made, the reason why the bear was made, my words will never fulfill the true emotions and love I felt that day. I felt so loved and almost as if I was given the gift of strength again.
I have to attribute the last few months of my life returning to normal and gaining strength to the wonderful Magic Jiffy Lube Bear that was given to me. I know he has the magic gift of strength and the love and care that was shown to me again cannot be expressed into words. The bear to me is magic and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t walk by it and truly thank you for your work and amazing gift. The craft in which she makes something makes it a one of a kind and makes a gift that I will cherish forever.
Thank you for your care, support, and love.
Bryan Birch J-team Manager
Eagle Mountain, Utah